

经历过2021年的就地过年,年轻人去哪里过年开始各有想法。想回家的年轻人,可能是小镇青年,他们给出了必须回家的理由:“我妈早就给我准备了她自己做的牛肉丸,准备给我寄过来,可是北京的水煮不出福建的味道。” “我妈视频说我胖了,我想她一定是怕一个人过年孤单,让我回去证明一下” “只有回家,我才知道原来我也是个被喜欢的人”…… 不准备回家的年轻人,也有很多理由来证明:回家过_year并不会提升幸福感,他们怕被陌生人打量、被亲戚盘问、被夺走手机尬聊、被催婚催小孩催二胎、被拿来和“别人家小孩”比较……


不同年代yearning人的over_year撒欢史为了让yearning人们安安心心_over_,今年各个城市和企业也是操碎了心,用钱用券免房租景区门票齐上阵。合肥开展留肥红包派送行动,每个人1000元;各地运营商争相赠送10~20G流量包;多家快递企业宣布春节不打烊控制涨价范围;电影院排片间隔限流两手抓...... 实际上,不同时代的一些企业和城市,在yearning人们_over_这件事上同样用心,比如建国初期就是一颗红心两手准备。在物资匮乏的时候,《东方红》连环画成了一种文化符号,而如今,无论是奢侈品还是快时尚品牌,都能在春节档口给yearning 人提供各种新衣穿搭。

那时候并没有买一件成衣的小说,所以父母要到供销社给子女们裁一件新衣服,这就是最吃香的一顿饭,也没有预制菜线上外卖生鲜的话题。而娱乐活动也相当具有时代气质,比如爸妈单位就是现在young people 的爱奇艺腾讯视频单位会免费让全家看电影。到了十年代,“改革春风吹满地中国人民真争气。”春节也更有突破性,从吃开始改变。一九七九年的春节蛋香饼干巧克力棍糖等11种新产品安排生产供应,而当代young people 的精神快乐水可口可乐正式进入中国成为第一个进军中国的大型跨国公司之一。

除了吃之外开放继续席卷着中国spring festival喇叭裤镜手提松下录音机成为new look。而烫头作为女同志们over_year打扮的一个新风潮,是为什么你妈必定要烫头定律根本原因。此后的30 year 中央电视台举办第一届spring festival从此改变了一代young people 的over_years方式。此后30 年spring festival 和spring gala 结成了牢不可破联盟谁家的孩子能买黑白电视看spring gala 谁就是大院里的凡尔赛青年。而到了90s 年份BB机别上了他们裤腰间,有线电话安装于家庭中电话拜年成为了new fashion。那时候阿里巴巴还是婴儿态阶段还不能网购所以从腊月二十左右,大街小巷人头攒动满是置办years goods的人刘德华24小时无限循环如耳朵虫刻进90 后DNA 里。而playful young men spring gala play jests and jokes with each other, such as "恭喜你发财" and "I want to die from your words."

In the 2002 year, mobile phones and Unicom shook hands, like today's internet giants' antitrust ecosystem mutual recognition. Mobile phones and Unicom can send messages to each other, making short message greetings a new trend. In the 2015 Spring Festival Gala, shaking one's phone took place 72 billion times in one night.

Nowadays, young people no longer have that kind of nostalgia for home. They prefer online relationships to offline ones. The theme of this Spring Festival is how to create new meanings through playing out.

The choice of returning home for the Spring Festival is fragmented. One side are urban returnees who shed many traditional customs; they don't care about traditional nodes more concerned about income preferences self; another side are rural youth who inherit their parents' traditional customs hoping to complete various rituals according to tradition.

Many rural children have grown into young adults working abroad after a year then rush back home on New Year's Eve busy preparing for the holiday traditions unchanged. Their priority is not how to prepare years goods or clean up houses but make money live streaming for their hometown promoting local products: flowers from South China rice cakes from North China meat dishes from East China... The grand dinner on New Year's Eve fireworks guarding till midnight become less important.

The phone saves them from embarrassment