after已过,我重生为爱情女神(Afterlife! My Reincarna

Afterlife: My Reincarnation as the Love Goddess


Part 1: A Life Cut Short

I was just twenty-seven years old when my life ended. It was a sudden and tragic accident that took me away from my family and friends before my time. At first, I felt lost and alone in the afterlife. But then, something strange happened – I was given a second chance.

Part 2: Reincarnation

I was reincarnated as a love goddess, tasked with spreading love and happiness throughout the human world. At first, I was hesitant and unsure of my new role. But over time, I learned to embrace it and use my powers for good.

Part 3: Learning the Ropes

As a love goddess, I had a lot to learn. I had to master the art of matchmaking, learn the intricacies of relationships, and figure out how to spread love without causing harm. It was a steep learning curve, but I was determined to do my best.

Part 4: Spreading Love

One of the best things about being a love goddess is getting to spread love and joy wherever I go. I would appear to people in their dreams, whisper sweet nothings in their ears, and even help them find their soulmates. It was a rewarding job, but it wasnt always easy.

Part 5: Obstacles and Challenges

Being a love goddess also came with its fair share of challenges. There were times when I encountered resistance from those who had closed their hearts to love. There were also those who abused my powers for their own selfish gain. But I never gave up – I knew that spreading love was too important to let these obstacles stop me.

Part 6: Afterlife 2.0

After all that Ive been through, I can say with certainty that being reincarnated as a love goddess was the best thing that could have happened to me. It gave me a chance to make a real difference in the world and to bring happiness to those who needed it most. Afterlife 1 may have been cut short, but Afterlife 2.0 is full of endless possibilities.